Me-Made May Week 3: The Willamette Shirt and Molly Top

So it only took me two weeks to get sick of taking daily photos for Me-Made May! I mostly worked from home this week, and ran errands and did the day-to-day-life thing, so nothing too exciting to show you in terms of daily outfits. However, let me show a couple of garments I sewed up that made their debut this week.

Frivolous at Last - Willamette Shirt by Hey June

This is the Willamette Shirt by Hey June. I’m attending the Sewing Pattern Review Weekend at the beginning of June, and there are a couple of challenges on the table for attendees: one is a pyjama contest (working on the top at the moment), and the other is a Camp Shirt contest. What’s a camp shirt, you ask? Good, I’m glad I’m not the only one. I pictured some kind of Girl Guide uniform suitable for bunking over at Camp Hideaway. But I have since learned from Wikipedia that a camp shirt “is a loose, straight-cut, woven, short-sleeved button-front shirt or blouse with a simple placket front opening and a “camp collar” – a one-piece collar (no collar band) that can be worn open and spread or closed at the neck with a button and loop.”

Frivolous at Last - Willamette Shirt by Hey June

Upon learning this information about camp shirts, my next reaction was, “definitely not my style.” But I thought I’d be a good sport and sew one up anyway. I had this Rifle Paper & Co floral rayon challis from Cotton and Steel in my stash. I love the blues in the pattern but the orangey-reds aren’t really my thing. Since I was fairly ambivalent about the fabric, I thought I’d use it on this shirt that I was bound not to wear very much. I even said to my husband part way through sewing it that “this is going to be hideous” — and being the agreeable guy that he is, he agreed heartily. lol

Frivolous at Last - Willamette Shirt by Hey June

So that was a very long lead-up to tell you that I was wrong! All my low expectations were greatly exceeded. I actually really love this shirt! The rayon challis is fantastic to wear on a hot day — it’s floaty and breathable and it’s like wearing nothing (if wearing nothing is your thing). And I like the style of the shirt, too! It’s basically something that falls somewhere between a t-shirt and a blouse on the casual-dressy scale, but is as easy-going to wear as a t-shirt.

Frivolous at Last - Willamette Shirt by Hey June

I also can’t say enough about how much I loved this Hey June pattern. All of the interior seams are enclosed by the yoke facing and french seams, and the pattern walks you through all the steps for that (rather than just suggesting somewhere that you consider using french seams). The directions were so clear and well-illustrated. My only minor complaint about the pattern is that is specifies too much yardage for the smallest sizes; in other words, it doesn’t take into account that you can fit some pieces side by side rather than all in a row along the length of the yardage. So I ended up using much less fabric than the pattern specified.

I actually can’t remember having this much fun sewing something in a long while. Now I’m wondering if Camp Shirts are going to become a Thing in my wardrobe. Who knew?

Frivolous at Last - Willamette Shirt by Hey June

The other top that made its debut this week is the Sew Over It Molly top. It is from an e-book of patterns called My Capsule Wardrobe: City Break eBook. I usually avoid pattern bundles, but I think this one will be a good investment, as I plan to also make the Alex shirt dress from it, probably also the Erin skirt and, if I can find the right fabric, probably the Lola coat as well.

Frivolous at Last - Molly Top by Sew Over It

I used a cotton jersey with elastane and sewed a size 2. I’m noticing that it is bunching up at the sides of my bust, which makes me wonder if I need to — gasp — make a full-bust adjustment? That is not a technique I ever thought I’d need in my repertoire. However, I have a few swing-shaped tops (this one and a couple of Deer & Doe plantains) that have these wrinkles. Maybe because I usually cut the smallest size, there is proportionally less room for the bust in there? I’m thinking I will size up for my next Molly, which might be a dress.

Frivolous at Last - Molly Top by Sew Over It

Stripe-matching! Yasss, queen.



Thoughts about Me-Made May at the end of Week 3:

  • It’s clear that I am a jeans-and-casual-top kinda girl at heart. I like to think of myself as much more stylish than that, but real life is different than my “ideal self” in my head.
  • I have a LOT of me-made dresses that are languishing in my closet. Maybe you can relate? I think a lot of sewists go through a Sew-All-The-Dresses phase, especially in the earlier stages of one’s sewing career. Like a magpie, I was attracted by all the shiny-object dress patterns. Now I find I’m being more practical about my sewing choices. However, I know many of those dresses will be put to more use once we get into the heat of summer.
  • Also: fuck taking pictures every day. Who needs the pressure of putting on makeup and accessories if you’re just planning to clean the house and do some gardening? Amirite? lol
  • I cannot, canNOT get into the frenzy that is Me-Made May on Instagram. Instagram, as much as I *want* to love it, just makes my brain hurt. I hate the way I end up scrolling quickly through a trove of amazing photos, but not taking the time to smell the roses, so to speak. My brain fills at a too-fast rate, and I feel like I’m not only ripping myself off by gobbling everything up so quickly, but also those who have gone to such trouble to sew something and take a picture of it. It just feels too greedy, somehow. More on that in an upcoming post that I am SLOWLY formulating and will take a lot of time to write. 😉
  • I’m actually really pleased with the number of me-made garments in my wardrobe, and that it hasn’t been difficult to get dressed every day and feel great in something I’ve made. Yay!
  • I’m off to sew some solid-coloured shorts so that I might actually be able to make an *outfit* of me-mades for a change!

Hope you are enjoying your May, whether it’s Me-Made or not. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by.

— Lori



23 thoughts on “Me-Made May Week 3: The Willamette Shirt and Molly Top

  1. I always love seeing your makes Lori – but that “Camp Blouse” is the topper! I didn’t know what a “camp” blouse was until now and there’s a pattern by Louise Cutting I’ve been eyeing on Etsy… because of yours I decided to YES buy that pattern. I so need another pattern :)) I’ve seen quite a few Molly tops – that stripe matching is truly a work of art btw! I think this one fits you really well BUT with a fba it would be perfect. You might want to check out Alexandra Morgan on youtube – we have her here in Victoria BC LIVE which is an amazing gift that I take advantage of at every opportunity. She has a couple of fba videos that are excellent.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your Wiliamette! It really suits you. I’m still in doubt about this type of shirt on my body, but it’s totally great on you, of course the fabric choice really makes the shirt.
    I’m totally with you on instagram. I tried it several times, it’s just not me. To much, to fast, to little information

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good on you for giving camp shirts a go! I’m debating not taking part in either sewing challenge for PR weekend – I mean, my pjs are knit dresses, and if I”m going to sew a button up, it will be for my husband! (Who totally stunned me by buying and wearing a rayon challis hawaiian shirt this weekend – this is the man who typically wears only black, and never ever wears prints!!!! So now I’m wondering… can I sew him crazy stuff now????) See you in t-minus 2 weeks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Also, and I recognise this is ridiculous to say in light of your “IG is not for me” comments… but Helen and Caroline from Love to Sew, Anya from Anna-Zoe and Heather from H and the Pugs have a little group chat going on IG in advance of PR weekend… I’ll add you if you want to join our chatter about what to sew and hotel room parties! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love your tops! Also, I hear you on the IG issues… I feel like I can’t keep up with it all, but I also feel like it is super overwhelming sometimes and my brain is like ooooh, shiny, but nothing comes from it. I’m interested to read your future post on the topic.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “I feel like I can’t keep up with it all, but I also feel like it is super overwhelming sometimes and my brain is like ooooh, shiny, but nothing comes from it. <– This. All of it. It's like an addiction you aren't really sure why you have.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes! Glad to know others feel the same. I’m pretty convinced that our brains just weren’t built to process the amount of info we are bombarded with since the dawn of the internet age. And now I’ll go back to clutching at my pearls and waving my cane at the menacing teenagers that are standing too close to my lawn. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I like button ups (at least in theory), so I think the camp shirt is adorable. As for whether or not you need an FBA, I vaguely think I remember (boy, this is inspiring *all* the confidence, eh?) that those type of wrinkles are not from needing a full bust adjustment so much as it is that the bust fullness is too low for your chest. I get them too, (boobs at my collarbones, yeesh) and someday I’m gonna try shortening an armscye and seeing if it helps. Someday. Maybe. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have a confession to make. I bought a selfiestick for MMM cause I was soooo tired of taking my picture next to the toilet in the bathroom at work 😛 But I definitely get what you mean; this morning it felt like a drag to me too 😦 Just a week left though!

    Both tops look great btw! Maybe Molly does the wrinkly thing cause the bodice doesn’t actually have sleeves. My Molly from ponte di roma also does that a little and I’m quite regular chested.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good idea to get a selfie stick! This is one case for which I would approve the use of a selfie stick. 😉 I think you’re right about the cut-on sleeves…I think that definitely does factor into the wrinkles. Happy rest of your Me-Made-May!


  7. I have the willamette all taped and cut out, now just need the time to make it! I love yours. I could see this as a wardrobe staple.
    I am with you about the photos for mmm, and while I love seeing an overarching snapshot of others handmade wardrobes on instagram, I am also completely overwhelmed by it. I just started an account but already am wondering if I want to keep it up, I would just rather be sewing with my precious time than taking Instagram worthy photos.

    Liked by 1 person

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