The Unsung and Long-suffering Heroes of the Sewing Blog World!

Hey girlfriends,

You all look SO GOOD in your blog pics! You worked hard to sew that dress, then pick the right shoes and accessories, do your makeup and hair, find the right backdrop, and wait for good lighting. But who’s taking those photos? Maybe you use a tripod and remote shutter release, but we all know that method isn’t nearly as satisfying, fun, and rife with pitfalls as the tried and true method of cajoling your significant other into doing a photo shoot for you.

This is what happens when I try to use the self-timer and tripod. I’m all WTF, camera? Yick. Not good.

Ladies, it’s time to give praise where praise is due! Who are those unsung (and lawd knows long-suffering) heroes of your blogs? Your wonderful amateur photographer who knows s/he has no choice but to obey your shouted directions — No! Zoom IN! Are there shadows on my face? Make sure you get my shoes in the picture! No, three pictures is not enough! Take more! Stand over THERE! Make sure my nose doesn’t look too big! Next time TELL me if my skirt is tucked up in my underwear! — for fear that not doing so could make domestic life a bit rocky. They even put up with it when we make them do the shoot all over again because we think we look ridiculous in every. single. photo. that was taken the first time. “Honey, can we do this again? These photos are all shit!”

Tell me about your long-suffering photographer…are they happy to do the job? Or do they do so begrudgingly? What do you have to promise in return for compliance? (Should I be worried I asked that?? Nevermind — DISH, girlfriends!)

And have you ever FOUGHT with your significant other during one of these photo shoots? No doubt there are good stories to tell, hopefully all with a happy ending.

The result of a minor -- and good-natured -- dispute during a photoshoot. This might actually have been the best shot of the bunch. I briefly considered trying to photoshop out my finger and use it in a post.
The result of a minor — and good-natured — dispute during a photo shoot. If I recall correctly, this was in response to Longsuffering Husband’s comment that “you’re not going to look any better in more pictures” when I asked him to keep shooting. LOL. This might actually have been the best shot of the bunch. I briefly considered trying to Photoshop out my finger and use this pic in a post but realized my Photoshop skillz aren’t that mad.

But above all, let’s give those guys and gals a pat on the back. Maybe they’ll take a turn in front of the camera so we can all give them a round of applause in the comments section? And if it’s just you and your tripod, let’s give YOU a round of applause for making that shit look good. I don’t know how you do it.

Here’s my long-suffering and wonderful guy, who only occasionally gets impatient when I’m insisting on yet more photos, puts up with doing photo shoots in sub-zero temperatures, has been known to wait patiently for me while I slip into time-warp absorption in yarn and fabric stores, and regularly answers “YES!” whenever I ask him if I look like a dork in this outfit, if my ass looks huge, or if there’s spinach stuck in my teeth. I’ve known him for 20 years and married happily for 14. Love. This. Guy.

That’s right, long-suffering husband! Raise a glass! To YOU! My unsung hero!

Now over to you. Introduce us to your photographer! Post here in the comments section, or post on Twitter, Instagram, or your blog and tag it with #UnsungSewingBlogHero . Pass it on. Let’s give these people some LOVE. ❤

31 thoughts on “The Unsung and Long-suffering Heroes of the Sewing Blog World!

  1. What a great post idea! I love the squabble photo. My husband does not take direction well, and generally it feels like he would much rather do something else. My 15 year old does the best job. One recent photo shoot her boyfriend jumped in and did a photo shoot and that probably worked the best?! I know he can take good pics and we were both on our best behaviour with a common goal.


    1. So now you have to make sure your daughter doesn’t ever dump her boyfriend! Invite him over for dinner often and feed him copious amounts of his favourite foods! lol


  2. Haha brilliant! My husband takes most of my pictures. Initially he thought oh himself as my creative director and that he had some say in how we did the shoots.

    But I learnt him fast, and he need now patiently does everything I tell him. We still squabble when he thinks my idea is crazy but he admitted a while back that he enjoys our forays out in quest of the perfect backdrop


    1. I love that you ‘learnt’ him, Rosemary! What’s the longest quest you ever went on to find the perfect backdrop?


      1. Mmmm a whole afternoon was the longest! Three shots (changing behind bushes): a lake background; graffiti painted wall; and woodland!


  3. I. LOVE, THAT. FINGER. PHOTO. And Long Suffering Husband is a hottie. (Excellent choice of prop, as well.)

    Ruggy was my suffering photographer, now I’m the suffering subject! Ever since he got some unsolicited advice from a pro on the street, he’s always DON’T BOTHER ME I’M COMPOSING THE SHOT.


    1. Right?? Such a hottie. And thanks for the tip; I’ll ensure I keep Longsuffering Husband away from any professional photogs lest he get any, you know, “ideas”. 😉


    1. You’re being humble, STH. Your photos are great, and filled with colour and cute, furry creatures. (Anyway, photo quality is NOT an issue where there are cute, furry creatures to be had.)

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  4. Haha great post. I can identify – I have to nag the boyfriend into photographs every week, it’s one of the only things we end up moaning at each other about😂


  5. Ha, so true that it can lead to tense times! My husband is always very willing to do it and doesn’t grumble, and takes lots of photos (he’s a keeper!) but actually I think I normally feel more comfortable with the tripod, because I know I’m not wasting anyone’s time but my own!


  6. Hooray for your photog! Youalways look great and well-lit, great guy!

    the finger foto truly rewards close inspection….the ladylike dress, bows on the toes, the tired/aggravated look around the eyes, cat remaining steadfastly neutral whilst trying to draw your attention to the lack of petting….hilarious!

    no one else is around when there’s light so i do my own. Both husband and brother like photography as a hobby, though. My brother idolizes ansel adams and takes amazing landscape pictures in the Sierra Mountains with his 4″x5″ bellows camera…he gets a bit flummoxed at my modeling ideas, i think – “hey i could hang upside down on the porch in this tulle and leather evening gown whilst holding a crook-necked squash! whaddya think?”

    not quite the elegance tonal studies you see in ansel adams, heehe! rock on!


    1. Thanks, Stephanie! I love your detailed analysis of the photo — so funny. So, can we actually see the results of said picture upside down on the porch in an evening gown with a squash?? Sounds AMAZING.


  7. Just discovered your blog through Oona’s. I think we can all relate to this post! My husband has been known to say ‘I’m struggling to find inspiration in your garment for my artistry’ haha. We’ve definitely had our squabbles but I have a feeling he feels proud of his photographic handiwork! Looking forward to following your blog!


    1. Hi Bella! Nice to meet you. I’m looking forward to following your blog, too. Your shoot locations are amazing — New Zealand is such a beautiful country.


  8. This is so so true!! I need to give my husband a big shout out! He is very patient and always takes so many pictures. Thank you for recognizing this need for props to the people behind the camera!!


  9. I did a post a few years back about my hubby – shortly after starting my blog actually – cause i felt so lucky he agreed to not only take all my blog photos for me, but also process them (he’s actualy a professional photographer and won’t let me put mediocre photos up)…and more recently he put up with Me Made May and took every single of my shots for instagram, every morning, when he barly had had his coffee yet. Truly a hero 🙂


    1. Hi Josette, I discovered your blog a few months ago and not only are your makes absolutely stunning but your husband’s photos are indeed beautiful. Perfect combination! I look forward to seeing more posts.


  10. I discovered this post through Oona ~ and gee, it hits the nail on the head. I have a very specific idea of how each photo shoot should go, and yup ~ we’ve had our quibbles over “No, that looks terrible, we have to try again!” “Are you crazy? That angle is NEVER going to work!” “Can we please do a few more just in case?” …

    My tripod maybe quieter, but I do love how the Mister makes photo shoots more fun. And there’s a lot more goofy outtakes too. Hoorah! ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill


    1. Thanks for your comment, Bonita. Your photos are all beautiful so something is definitely working right with your collaboration with your Mister. 🙂


  11. Thank you! For a moment there I thought I am the only annoying wife/girlfriend out there. I think last time I pushes ot too hard and got him to photograph about 8 new pieces. This might have been the last time 😬

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hahaha! You made my day 🙂
    I always have to convince my wife to take MORE photos 😉
    I raise my glass to your guy. Was the trip to Florence (?) a compensation for all the trouble and suffering during the shootings?


    1. Good eye, Ralf — it is Florence. And you’ve given me an idea…I’m going to officially consider that trip a PRE-compensation for future photo shoots! 😉


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